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– In this video I’ll be showing you how to make a fire effect.
It’s done in the video editing software called Sony Vegas Pro 13. You can use Final Cut, iMovie, Vegas Pro 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13.
– Enjoy!

Get VEGAS Pro here!
► https://www.jdoqocy.com/click-100432198-14496916?url=https%3A%2F%2Fshop.magix.com%2Fen_US%2Fmagix%2Fbasket%2F%3F_pA%3D78326xac6a%26_sT%3Dmagix%26AffiliateID%3D18%26phash%3DW7duk4NmcmQ2R57f%26utm_source%3DCommission-Junction%26utm_medium%3DAffiliate%26utm_campaign%3DAffiliate_Commission-Junction&cjsku=75964_en_US

Get your AWESOME epic video effects here!
► https://productioncrate.grsm.io/AlexanderHalford

Check out RaminDigital here!
► http://www.ramindigital.com/ & http://youtube.com/ramindigital

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~ JustAlexHalford
